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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Found more Alsatians

Speaking of course of the Alsace-Lorrainne...

Through an online haven for WWII Bomber enthusiasts (www.b26.com), where I was looking for more information on "Uncle Walt"- who's really a cousin- serving in Europe, I was actually able to stumble upon some more cousins from my father's side.

This line, Joos or Joost (say "yost"), beginning on the American soil with Martin Joos (who married Sophie Lowenguth- my 2nd great grandparents) mentioned as coming from France, speaking French in the home, and also coming from Germany, speaking German. That would be because the beautiful Alsace-Lorrainne was frequently a border-battle between the two countries.

Now this doesn't sound too exciting here, but wait until you see a more thorough transcript of it.

NOW... for some pictures...

I am so excited to have contact with this side of the family and hope we have many wonderful revelations together about our family's history and heritage.
CAN ANYONE identify the people in these dear photographs? It was before 1936, for that was when Martin passed away. It was before the 30's altogether, because my grandfather couldn't be out of grade school yet... The people I know are Sophie and Martin Joos in the back (pic with all the kids) The girl in front of Sophie is Renee Winkler, the boy with a tie on, standing in front of Martin is Edward Winkler, the girl next to him is Emmy Winkler. Other names written on the back are "Snooks and Lawrence", the rest was too hard to read.
The only woman I know for sure here is Sophie. I think Alice, my great grandmother, is next to her in the wide-collar dress. I think...

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